Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Day of 2010 & Happy 2011.

It'd been almost 2 months since my last update. Sorry people!

Today is the 31st December 2010, the last day of year 2010. Can't believe time flies! Tomorrow will be a brand new year.

Here's a recap for my awesome 2010. 2010 goes quite well except for some glitches and problems. Health wise...very good! No visit to the doctors and I'm able to donate blood...TWICE! In my Love life, I'm still with my guy...for 5 freaking years! Congrats to us... :)

Oh, we managed to get a vacation to Terengganu and Kelantan, which I labeled as "awesome". LOL. Other than that, Finance output, no input...which is pretty saddening...

However, I'd make my 2011 resolutions.

1) Lose 4kg from my overall weight.
I get comments that I've been getting chubbier from time to time. My weight rose 5kg since I entered Foundation. So, to achieve my goal, no supper, eat smaller portion.

2) Get to make my 1st time oversea travel (Thailand also counted).
I will be 24 next year and I've never been oversea. The closest I'd been is the checkpoint at the Thailand border. So, if possible, I want to go Thailand/Taiwan next year. :)

3) Get a job I love. ♥
No description for this as I'm still hunting for that job.

4) Have a clear and fair skin.
Had been having bad skin (face) since 12. So, I'm going to make more effort for this goal.

5) Learn make-up and grooming.
I've always interested in this field. Had made some inquires about these courses and will enroll in one of them next year. :)
6) Be more patient.

7) Learn to drive...again.
I have a driving licence but pretty much a useless one since my parents do not let me touch the family car. Parents have no confidence in my driving skill (they say it sucks)! If I want to drive I need to get my own car...pathetic! >.<

So what's your resolution for 2011?