Recently, I purchased a collagen powder from an online store and it's in 375g refill pack (no $$ to buy the 200g tin version). The tin version can last for one month while refill pack can last for 2 months. It suppose to show result after consumption of 2 - 4 weeks.
If you don't know what the benefits of consuming collagen supplement, here's some information about it.
1. It fights aging.
2. It gives energy to carry out exercise or work (some sort like energy booster).
3. It helps avoid fat storage in body.
4. It helps protecting your body from chondrodystrophy (a type of cartilage problem).
For further benefits, you can always Google. :D
The instruction for consumption is 1 spoonful of powder mix with water, tea, juice, milk or any form of food and consume. Since the dosage of collagen is high (1 spoon = 10000mg), I only take half spoon (fear of over consume).
It's quite expensive but I think it's worthwhile because you nourished your whole body. I think it's much better than splurging on skincare which take care of your skin from the outside. :)
Btw, will do update 2 weeks from now on the improvement I get from consuming collagen. :)