Sunday, May 8, 2011

Once is Good, Multiple Ain't.

I regard myself as someone who can take jokes, be it people making jokes about me or other people - WITH LIMITATION.

I can take in all kind of jokes as long as it is not in repetitive form. You can pull my leg on the same issue for once or twice but not more because at that point my will get irritated and angry. I used to do the same to people but not nowadays because I realise it may be making the particular person irritated or angry. I think majority of human would feel the same unless the person is really care less about it.

Recently, someone keep on pulling my legs on the same joke. Initially, I'm ok with it but it gets me irritated and angry because that person keep on making the same joke. The person think that I can accept that joke but the person do not realise it is no longer joke - it became an irritant. I know the person meant it as joke but please realise that multiple times of the same joke could end up being a disaster. Just like initially I like eating mutton curry, but when I had them for a few days in a row, I'll get sick of it.

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