Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What the Hot Weather Do To Me.

It was so HOT lately! Average temperature is about 33-35°C during day time and freaking 27-29°C at night! It's HOT ok. Not the average temperament during the rest of the year. It's SUMMER!

What the hot weather do to me? Besides giving me constant chapped lips, the outer layer of my lips' skin become so sensitive that it peels everyday and get healed and peel again. Repetitive process for the past one week. Ughhh...

And what else? Sweat so much...even when I'm sitting in front of the laptop now! Anyhow, I notice my face become smoother. Lol. Don't know if it's the effect of sweating as I don't really sweat unless I go out of the house and get exposed to the sun for 1 minute and the sweat will drip and flow from my body like water pipe (it's in the gene).

At this time, I'll refrain from going out after 10 a.m. and before 7 p.m. Reason one: I don't want get skin cancer. Reason two: I don't want get sick. Reason three: I don't want get dark.

Everyone is complaining of how hot it is nowadays on Facebook. And frequent bathing didn't help either unless you have air-conditioner at home. Apparently, I'm in Kampar home where there's no air-conditioner and I'm missing TI home where there's one there.

I still have one exam left which is on this Saturday. Hope I don't get sick or whatever illness. After that, back to my lovely TI home and bye bye Kampar!

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